Today, it is well known that access to light is crucial for human health, sleep, and performance. In offices, indoor lighting is considered an important part of workplace ergonomics. But when it comes to most gyms and fitness centers, dim light and dark walls have become the trend.
Intense Gym chose to go in the opposite direction. It is the first private gym in Sweden to offer Biocentric lighting from BrainLit. Intense Gym was founded by Boris Kuzmic, Jenny Bellander, and Jesper Magnusson, three well-known fitness professionals in Sweden. The new gym, located at Sveavägen in Stockholm, opened in the autumn of 2022.
We want our members to feel better from working out. The premises are a contributing factor, they need to promote health and well-being. When we heard about BrainLit’s lighting, it became the obvious choice for us, says Jesper Magnusson, CEO of Intense Gym.
The concept at Intense is that as a member, you can participate in circuit training whenever you want. It is completely flexible as a new session starts every ten minutes. Over 40 minutes, you get a varied workout that includes both strength and cardio exercises with different focus areas. There are different classes to choose from in the weekly schedule and with a personal trainer on site, you will get help to reach your goals.

Image courtesy of Intense
When we developed our concept, we did about a hundred interviews with people who exercise. Most people want their training to be as effective as possible. But it’s also important to enjoy it. You want to feel stronger and to be in a better mood when you leave the gym, says Jesper.
Biocentric lighting recreates daylight indoors, contributing to better sleep, health, and mood. In most environments, there is also diurnal variation. However, it is possible to adjust the light settings at specific times to promote for example performance and concentration. One such setting is Boost, a higher-intensity light that makes you feel more alert.
We love Boost! During a 40-minute workout, you’re supposed to push yourself to the max. That’s why we use that setting all day so that every member who works out with us can perform at their best, Jesper explains.
But isn’t there a risk for employees to have trouble sleeping at night?
No, the gym closes at 8 p.m., which gives the trainers plenty of time to get home and unwind in the evening. The light is a great advantage for us. We notice a big difference when we visit other gyms, Jesper replies.
It’s not just the staff who are happy with the Biocentric lighting. This is what Christian, a member of the gym, says:
I think it’s absolutely fantastic with the daylight in the room! The super-effective training and the light make me feel much more alert!
Effective, fun, and healthy. With such a concept, the future is bright for Intense Gym.
Are there plans to open up more studios in other parts of the country?
Yes, we have received a good response and we can’t wait to open more studios, Jesper concludes.
Do you also want to train at Intense? Read more at