In 2023, a substantial consortium of light researchers has come together to shed light on the healthy effects of circadian lighting and define the measurements and thresholds to be applied.
In 2023, a substantial consortium of light researchers has come together to shed light on the healthy effects of circadian lighting and define the measurements and thresholds to be applied.
BrainLit, the creator of Biocentric lighting, announced a new partnership with the Sacramento Kings to install BrainLit’s Biocentric lighting technology throughout the team’s locker room and practice facility.
Tord Wingren, BrainLits grundare, har blivit intervjuad av Health Tech World om den roll som Biocentrisk belysning kan spela för den globala hälsan och ...
Canada’s largest professional soccer league continues to be a leader in performance innovation, incorporating BrainLit’s patented BioCentric lighting technology into their recently renovated Headquarters.
Exciting news! Tord Wingren, the founder of BrainLit, and Kyle Harris, CEO at BrainLit, took the U ...
We thought we couldn't get more excited, but we were wrong! Our Biocentric lighting has also been n ...
We're thrilled to let you know that our high-tech disinfection product, UVEN, has been nominated fo ...
PRESSRELEASE BrainLit AB, a global leading provider of healthy circadian lighting, is proud to a ...
BrainLit North America Inc, the leader in delivering BioCentric Lighting™, and the Detroit Lions have developed a world-class health-enhancing environment for their players and staff.
Eftersom BrainLit är associerat med Danir AB, en av våra största aktieägare, delar vi idag detta pressmeddelande.
BrainLit®s produkter och tjänster är inte avsedda att diagnostisera, behandla eller förebygga medicinska tillstånd. BrainLit® är inte ansvarig för hälsorelaterade beslut som fattas av slutanvändaren, inklusive sjukvårdspersonal, när de använder BrainLit®-produkter och -tjänster.