Introducing Christina Bengtsson: A former military officer, a world champion precision shooter, an acclaimed author, a thought leader, and a passionate friend of Biocentric lighting.
En ny ISO-standard för inomhusbelysning ska förbättra vår hälsa
Under 2023 har en stor grupp ljusforskare enats om de hälsosamma effekterna av ett cirkadiskt ljus och vilka definitioner, mätmetoder och gränsvärden som bör tillämpas. Dessutom innehåller det nyligen publicerade utkastet för den nya globala ISO-standard ...
A new ISO standard for indoor lighting to enhance our health
In 2023, a substantial consortium of light researchers has come together to shed light on the healthy effects of circadian lighting and define the measurements and thresholds to be applied.
BrainLit announces new partnership with the Sacramento Kings
BrainLit, the creator of Biocentric lighting, announced a new partnership with the Sacramento Kings to install BrainLit’s Biocentric lighting technology throughout the team’s locker room and practice facility.
Canadian Premier League upgrades HQ with BrainLit’s BioCentric Lighting
Canada’s largest professional soccer league continues to be a leader in performance innovation, incorporating BrainLit’s patented BioCentric lighting technology into their recently renovated Headquarters.
Kundpartner Syd is named Cleaning Company of the Year 2023
We congratulate our partner and reseller Kundpartner Syd, for being awarded Cleaning Company of the Year 2023.
Kundpartner Syd är Årets Städföretag 2023
BrainLits gratulerar och gläds med vår partner och återförsäljare Kundpartner Syd, som har blivit utnämnda till Årets Städföretag 2023.
Detroit Lions Lights Up Performance with BrainLit BioCentric Lighting™
BrainLit North America Inc, the leader in delivering BioCentric Lighting™, and the Detroit Lions have developed a world-class health-enhancing environment for their players and staff.
BrainLit onnittelee Leijonia!
kotiyleisön silmien edessä. Me BrainLit -tiimissä olemme eläneet kisoja matsi kerrallaan kuten muukin jääkiekkokansa Katsomossa paikan päällä jännittäen ja kotikatsomossa kämmenet hikoillen.
BrainLit welcomes Ice Hockey World Championships 2022
Spring is coming and the amount of natural light is increasing in the Northern parts of the world after the long winter. The Ice Hockey season is soon in the books, with the European leagues and NHL moving towards the finals. While we are preparing to w ...