Understanding what a circadian rhythm is, the symptoms and factors of circadian disruption, and how you can balance it can be beneficial to your health and well-being.
(Danir AB) Unique new platform matches Ukrainian refugees with Swedes who wish host them.
As BrainLit is associated with Danir AB, one of our main shareholders, we are today sharing this press release.
(Danir AB) Unik matchningstjänst som för samman ukrainska flyktingar och svenskar med husrum
Då BrainLit är associerat med Danir som en av bolagets största delägare, delar vi idag detta pressmeddelande.
Boost your well-being with Bethany Kokaia
Bethany Kokaia has led several corporate wellness projects focused on mindfulness at work – which is called the mindfulness@work series.
Energizing Athletes with BioCentric Lighting
Passion, drive and positive attitude are key ingredients of success in sports. They are particularly important for professional athletes and teams who live and breathe for winning. Behind every team, there is the team management whose key task is to do a ...
Energiaa urheilijoille biokeskeisellä valaistuksella – BrainLit
Intohimo, tarmokkuus ja positiivinen asenne ovat urheilumenestyksen avaintekijöitä.
Boost Your Employee Performance with Healthier Workplaces
Energizing high performers | How to boost employee performance | Daylight Indoors Treating employees with respect, kindness, and compassion is a no-brainer for employers. But when it comes to other factors which contribute to overall employee happines ...
Pelit jatkuvat!
Jääkiekon Olympiakullan juhliminen loppui lyhyeen, kun Venäjä hyökkäsi Ukrainaan viime viikolla. Ilo vaihtui suruun ja epäuskoon, jota ei voi sanoin kuvailla. Sotatoimet vaikuttavat myös suomalaiseen jääkiekkokevääseen, monellakin tavalla. Jokerien& ...
BrainLit named Official BioCentric Lighting™ supplier of the Alliance of European Hockey Clubs
GOTHENBURG, Sweden (1 Feb 2022) – BrainLit and the Alliance of European Hockey Clubs (E.H.C.) today announced a multi-year partnership, naming BrainLit the Official BioCentric Lighting™ supplier of the E.H.C. Alliance.The partnership will offer BrainLit ...
Tappara, Nokia Arena
Players of Tappara benefit from state-of-the-art training environments using Biocentric lighting